Senin, 24 Desember 2018

Festive season

I went to the garden centre on Friday evening to buy winter flowers for hanging baskets, Voila... What I found! Nothing, I couldn't find the flowers what I m looking for. Most of outside garden take over by pine [Christmas tree]. Inside stalls look good though, all the lights are lighting up.  
Gordon Rigg - Garden Centre, November 25th, 2018

Gordon Rigg - Garden Centre, November 25th, 2018

Gordon Rigg - Garden Centre, November 25th, 2018

When we arrived home, the night sky is cracked & lighted by the firework. The town hall bathed in colourful light as darkness falls. The lights-switched on to mark the beginning of a festive season. It's time for spending and shopping at the festive markets. Support your local traders.

Please don't ask me, did Jesus (Prophet Isa ibnu Maryam) have a Christmas tree? Honestly, I don't know, because I don't celebrate Christmas, but I do love shopping at this festive season also enjoy to see Christmas decorations around the neighbourhood. I believe Jesus didn't have it. Even in Britainthe first Christmas Trees came sometime in the 1830s. They became very popular in 1841.
Christmas decoration, Town centre 23rd, 2018

Christmas decoration, Town centre 23rd, 2018

Meski diatas saya tulis dalam bahasa Inggris, pertanyaan ini ditujukan untuk yg paham bahasa Indonesia. Untuk direnungan, apa hubungannya pohon terang "pohon Natal" dengan ajaran Jesus-Isa ibnu Maryam?  Ilmu tanpa agama adalah suatu kecacatan, dan agama tanpa ilmu merupakan kebutaan.

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